Multiple Sclerosis: The Cause and the Solution Uncovered–at Last!

An exhaustive analysis of the medical and scientific literature, authored by a
uniquely qualified food scientist, persuasively reveals the cause of MS and
describes a path to recovery and prevention. The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
are identical to those of an uncommon form of poisoning—methanol poisoning.

Individuals who have been exposed to this poison over a long period of time, in
fact, develop MS. This poison—methanol–is a major component of cigarette
smoke, which, until now, has been the only known cause of Multiple Sclerosis.
Dr. Monte’s compelling work reveals that this poison is also contained in certain
foods that are canned and smoked or have had the insidious sweetener, aspartame,
added to them.

Unfortunately, the truth has been obscured due to the fact that methanol is a poison
only to humans and not to (laboratory) animals.
If you have MS, or love someone who does, you and your physician should read
what Dr. Monte has to say about methanol and its link to MS. Chapter 9 examines the cause of MS and posits the
simple dietary changes that can save your life.

The dietary changes that you must follow because your life may depend on it are here:

Everything you need to know about MS is in Chapter 9. If you are interested in
knowing more about methanol poisoning and its link to other diseases of
civilization, you will want to read the entire book, While Science Sleeps, by
Woodrow C. Monte PHD, Emeritus Professor of Nutrition and Food Science,
Arizona State University.





Search References
Review of "While Science Sleeps" by emeritus professor of chemistry at the University of Western Ontario in London Canada. International Health News devoted the entire June issue of their International Health Newsletter to the book review.

Read the Review

My Book "While Science Sleeps" detailing 30 years of research is available in 3 formats at

The Book.

The Kindle

The Audio Book

A very important message to the European Food Safety Authority
Link below.
Read the open letter

The Truth about all the testing that Ajinomoto claims proves aspartame SAFE!
Failed Safety Testing

Chapter 12 Slideshow for Download
Birth Defects caused by Aspartame

Dr Monte's DVD on

Solving the Mystery of Multiple Sclerosis: Is Your Diet Secretly Poisoning You?

USA . . NTSC DVD Version

Other Countries . . PAL Version